
The Angel Experiment                                                   Book 1

Maximum Ride and her flock—Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, and Angel—are the results of a genetic experiment inflicted upon them from birth that made them recombinant DNA life-forms. Grafted with avian DNA, gifted with wings, and enhanced with the ability to fly, they are on the run from the scientists who made them. They are constantly tracked by lupine-human hybrids (Erasers) designed by the scientists to hunt them down with a childhood acquaintance of the flock's, the newly-turned Eraser Ari, at their head. When Angel is kidnapped by the Erasers, it is up to the flock to rescue her. As they embark on their mission, fleeing from Erasers at every point, they are also faced with the question of their origins. Ultimately, an even larger and more important mission emerges for Max alone to face—saving the world itself.

School's Out-----Forever                                                Book 2

After the events of Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, the flock is headed toward Washington, D.C., where they hope to find the answers to their origins. However, after Fang is gravely injured by an awoken from the dead, flying Eraser Ari and taken to a hospital, the flock is taken in by an FBI agent named Anne on the agreement that she is allowed to examine them. The flock enjoys a rare period of peace, but there are sinister things at work in the background. A major multinational corporation named Itexicon (Itex) is plotting to destroy the world, based on what Angel overhead when she was kidnapped back at the lab, and is also tracking down the flock's movements. Anne reveals herself as the leader of the lab that created the flock and seeks to recapture them. Furthermore, Max must face her worst adversary yet--her own clone.The flock is headed toward D.C, when Ari returns from the dead, and injures Fang. He is immediately taken to a hospital where the flock meets an FBI agent named Anne. She decides to take the flock with her on the agreement that she is allowed to examine them. So, after spending a couple of weeks at her house, Anne enrolls the flock into a school. They go to school and Fang meets a girl, that Max calls The Red Haired Wonder, and he immediately falls for her. Max later finds him kissing her in a classroom and she finds out that she actually has feelings for Fang. Max then gets asked out on a date, Fang gets jealous. Then, after everything seems perfect, the principal of the school turns out to be a bad guy and the flock is on the run yet again. When they fly back, literally, they find Anne screaming at Ari. Max flies down and finds out that Anne is working for Itex. So they grab Total and fly away.

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports                  Book 3

In the third installment, Max is faced with the task of saving the world from the Itex corporation and the evil Director, who wants to terminate all recombinant DNA life-forms and cut the population of the earth by half. The Erasers were some of the first to be destroyed and have been replaced by the new threat of Flyboys (robotic Erasers that can fly). Further issues arise when Max invites Ari—the single remaining Eraser—to join the group, leaving Fang and half of the flock to split off in protest, with Max the leader of one group, and Fang the leader of the second. And in the midst of all this, Max eventually finds out who her real parents are. But she is stuck at a castle, fighting. Max beats off Omega(a thing that is seemingly perfect)As they are fighting they notice how helpful Fang's blog could be. As the end of the story nears Max and Fang promise never to split up again.

The Final Warning                                                          Book 4

Max and the flock hold a funeral for Ari, Max’s half-brother, and Jeb’s son. After that they go to a meeting with the American government who are trying to decide what would be best for the flock. This meeting does not go smoothly and ends with the flock flying away to Dr. Martinez’s home where they are currently staying. But then are forced to leave when an unexpected bomb in the form of a pizza arrives at their doorstep shortly after attending the government meeting. They flee to a safer place and there Max is thrown into a world of longing and confusion as she is kissed by Fang for the second time. Because Max runs from him, afraid to display her feelings, the atmosphere between the two grows cold and unfriendly.Max and the flock are asked to go on a special mission – all the way to Antarctica. They agree and are more than shocked when they get there at just how cold it is there. The point of the mission was to record data on how the world was changing due to global warming and pollution. The flock meet up with a crew there including a young, pretty scientist named Brigid Dwyer, who immediately takes a liking to Fang, much to Max’s growing jealousy. Certain members of the flock gain more skills – Iggy can feel colors, Nudge can attract metal, Gazzy develops a way to release almost toxic gas, Fang gains the ability to blend in with his surroundings and Angel gets yet another skill – she can change her appearance. Plus Total, Angel's talking dog, grows wings. While in Antarctica a member of the research team is attacked by a leopard seal and killed, only the flock find later that she is an imposter. A mechanical imposter created by some unknown enemies. Max and Fang’s relationship gets steadily more and more strained and the flock faces big problems when Angel goes to find a baby penguin in the middle of the blizzard and they are captured by a big group of genetically enhanced beings. The unknown enemy suddenly becomes known. The flock must face the inhuman, emotionless Uber-Director, whilst trying to escape a hurricane. They manage to defeat the Uber-Director, who falls to a messy but quick death in the midst of the storm. The flock is offered the opportunity to attend a school, but they turn down the offer and fly off into the distance.

Max                                                                               Book 5

The Flock has barely recovered from their Antarctica adventure before they are pulled into another one. Millions of fish are dying off the coast of Hawaii and something—or someone—is destroying hundreds of ships. The government enlists their help to find out the cause after being unable to themselves. While the Flock is undertaking the task, a criminal mastermind is tracking their every move. Then, Max's mother is kidnapped and is being held in an underground submarine. The flock must try to save the ocean, Max's mother, and protect themselves from the criminal mastermind's own ideas for them. During the struggles, Fang and Max's relationship makes progress and strengthens, causing Max to realize the feelings she has for Fang.

Fang                                                                              Book 6

At the start of the book,the flock is traveling to Africa, where they are to help the people of Chad, but not without getting shot at first. They do arrive thankfully and meet the CSM (Coalition to Stop the Madness) and they begin work almost immediately. Fang and Max's relationship is very well, acting like soul mates with every chance they get. Then, Angel tells Max that Fang will be the first to die. Which adds to Max's hate or loathing feeling towards Angel, which continues throughout the book. Soon after, we are introduced to Dylan, Max's "Perfect Other Half". He was designed to love Max. We also meet the antagonist of our story, Dr. Hans. Max and her flock leave Africa, heading to a house that had been built especially for them. Then, they meet Jeb again, who has brought Dylan along. That day, the flock was celebrating their "birthdays", all becoming a year older. Gazzy sets the couch on fire while Fang and Dylan fight. Max finds them in in the middle of their "spat" and is disgusted at both of them, because neither of them noticed the fire. Then, Max gets kicked out of the flock, Angel replacing her as leader. Max leaves, Fang following her a few minutes later, and the two head off to Las Vegas. Angel leads the flock for a few days, before Max and Fang find them again. It is then that Angel goes to join Dr. Hans, leaving the flock after Max and Fang get "accepted" back in. Later, a vague letter from Fang warns Max not to follow him. Fang finds Angel and Dr. Hans, but suddenly, Fang gets injected with tranquilizer, and he blacks out. Angel tells Max to come (through her mind) and the whole flock rushes to find Fang dead, his heart monitor flatlining. Max stabs a needle of adrenaline into his chest, bringing Fang back to life after minutes of him being dead. Then Dylan tries to kill Dr. Hans with a needle he finds, but when realizes it is against the flock's way to kill in cold blood he stabs himself with it in a suicide attempt. We then skip to the epilogue, leading you to believe that a wedding is occurring. There is a wedding, but it isn't Max and Fang like the reader initially believes. Total and Akila, the two dogs, get married. Then, the flock arrives back home after the reception — without Fang — and a letter is found addressed to Max. It explains about Fang's love to Max. It explains everything, even why Fang is gone. In the end of the letter, Fang makes an oath, to Max. He says that if 20 years from now, if they are still alive, that Fang will meet Max on the cliff where they flew with the hawks in Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment.

Hopefully FANG is NOT the last book!!!!